What if Brexit had been a Business Project?

Let’s draw a parallel between Brexit and a major business project. This will be applying general principles, as a company with millions of shareholders leaving a large partnership is not a realistic scenario: Predictions in the prospectus from the two sides would have had specific warnings about future predictions, and personal liability in the event of mistruths. Lord Sugar tells us more about public company prospectuses. We had none of that, and participants had free rein to peddle lies and deceit. A super-majority would have been required, probably 75% of votes. The Brexit Referendum only required a simple majority of one over 50% of votes. It could have been 50% of eligible voters. A vote found to have been won by alleged criminal activity would have been investigated straight away, and if proven the result declared void. The Met police have only just started criminal investigations , some months after being asked to do so. The Article 50(...