MPs - Your Country Needs You
- “No deal” This has been ruled out as being too expensive and impractical not just for trade but for other collaboration such as aviation, security and health. That has been accepted by the Cabinet and all MPs except for the hardest Brexiters.
- The Chequers Proposal This was agreed by Cabinet on Friday and is being attacked by both Leavers and Remainers. Boris Johnson has called it the UK becoming a “colony”. Certainly a “vassal state”, taking rules with no influence over them. The proposal is as good as dead, even before the white paper is published to provide the detail, and before the EU reject the proposal for being cherry-picking
- The only option left is to Remain
Assuming the Chequers proposal is killed by the EU, even if not killed beforehand by the UK, the Article 50 notification needs to be withdrawn. The only questions are how and when?
Timing is now perfect. The official Vote Leave campaign has been investigated and criminal prosecutions are pending. Today’s fine for Facebook seals the Referendum’s fate. The 2016 referendum should be declared void. Then it is just a matter of reversing the relevant legislation that was based on it, and then withdrawing the Article 50 notification.
We’ve wasted two years on Brexit. The position we've reached today was widely predicted - neither a hard Brexit nor a vassal state approach would be acceptable. Let’s not waste a moment longer.
MPs please get together on a cross-party basis for the good of the nation and get the necessary done.
Thanks in anticipation.
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